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It’s truly the best year of my life!

I've booked out my individual client schedule, added new organizational clients, created a client resource suite, restarted my blog, and am launching a "fun-project" blog. I launched my new book, a podcast, and have a fabulous online presence, In the past month alone, I've increased the number of women in my membership by 30%!

Marie Monville, Coach, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host

my life has totally changed!

I'm in a totally different place. I have paying clients, I have a wait list, I have a new website, new branding which feels way more me. I have money coming in. I've quit my day job. My inner critic isn't as loud. My life has totally changed.

Emily Armitage, Business Coach and Human Design Translator

Everything has changed. I am happier than I have been in a LONG TIME. I LOVE my business

She gave me the confidence to pivot my business, and smash through imposter syndrome to become a Money Coach. Within a few weeks of re-launching my business, I had paid clients. Leanne is always on hand to help me through all my wobbles, and see my potential. Working with Leanne is life changing, so I suggest you stop putting it off, and invest in her support! LOVE YOU LEANNE!

Emilie Nutley, Wealth and Money Coach

working with you has given me the 3 ‘c’s’, clarity, confidence and courage!

Leanne is your perfect cheerleader and inner critic killer that you need to start feeling confident when starting up your business. I'd been thinking that I must be stupid or doing something wrong. I needed to see things from a different perspective and to get the basics done. Leanne will help you break those limiting beliefs to the ground at the same time as she will guide you through the relevant steps needed to set your business up! I can not recommend Leanne enough - if you have been thinking about getting a business coach - you won't regret working with Leanne!.

Nina Papadakis, Empowerment Coach

leanne will supercharge your mindset and your business!

I was feeling such a sense of hopelessness with my business before I started working with Leanne but she helped me believe in myself and overcome my own BS and limiting beliefs. Not only did she guide me through launching a new coaching programme but she also helped me realise that I don't need to put myself into one specific box and if there are multiple things I love I can and I should launch them into the world. Working with Leanne will supercharge your mindset and your business, I've honestly made more progress working with Leanne for 3 months than I have in the 2 years prior to qualifying as a coach and starting my business!

Ros Croft, Purpose and Career Coach

a game-changer!

The best decision I've made in a long time! You've been the best hype woman, supporter, cheerleader; I feel as though I've grown in small ways and big ways. I finally made changes in my business, we came up with an incredible programme and I feel stronger within myself.!

Jackie Buckley, Life Coach


it was 100% the best thing I ever did.

Investing in a coach was scary AF and one of the biggest financial investments I've ever made.

BUT, it was 100% the best thing I ever did. After struggling alone for months, trying to figure out WTF to do to get actual clients that would pay me (or even accept free sessions!), I finally had someone to take me through the process step by step and to hold my hand and cheer me on as I took big, bold action towards achieving my goals.

Together we refined my niche and got clear on who I wanted to help and why. We worked on my branding and created messaging that spoke directly to my ideal client. We created a step by step sales strategy that allowed me to grow in a way that felt right for me. We built out my offer and put systems in place that allowed me to sell with ease, giving my clients a 5* experience that led to game-changing testimonials and referrals.

And while doing all of that… we worked on growing my confidence, shutting up my inner critic and helping me to step into the 2.0 version of myself I needed to create a thriving coaching business

Amber Jay, Business & Confidence Coach for teachers who want to build brilliant coaching businesses.