jackie buckley


 Where were you before in terms of mindset and business before we worked together?

I was at rock bottom, Leanne! I had no confidence in my business or myself as a coach or business owner.


Where are you now? How have your business and your mindset shifted since working together? Share your wins!! 

You really helped me shift my mindset and although I had many stressful bumps on our journey because of my muggle job, I really feel I can cope a lot better and I feel more resilient. Setting boundaries has shifted a lot for me..


What have you found to be most valuable and/or illuminating about working with me?

Your unwavering support and kindness helped me to untangle the pressures I put on myself, even when I'm feeling ill or stressed. And knowing that I can take action even when my critical voice is being super loud and that's usually what makes the voice go away. A game-changer!


If you were talking about me to another human looking to build their business what would you say? 

It was the best decision I've made in a long time! You've been the best hype woman, supporter, cheerleader; I feel as though I've grown in small ways and big ways. I finally made changes in my business, we came up with an incredible programme and I feel stronger within myself.