Where were you before in terms of mindset and business before we worked together?

I was feeling lost. I had come back to my business after maternity leave and I knew something was off, but I didn't know what, or how to do anything about it. I had spoken to a social media coach but their advice didn't work. I knew a big change was due, but I was scared to give up three years of hard work building a 25k Instagram account.


Where are you now? How have your business and your mindset shifted since working together? Share your wins!! 

I have a clear direction for my business and my vision is clearer than ever. Leanne helped me make some HUGE changes in my business, and almost straight away I started seeing paid clients. I have a clear POV in my industry niche and despite being more 'salesy' than ever, I bloody love it!


What have you found to be most valuable and/or illuminating about working with me?

Having someone believe in me and my ability to achieve my dreams. Leanne has the power to direct my thoughts, and sift through my verbal diarrhea and help me build clarity.


If you were talking about me to another human looking to build their business what would you say? 

Working with Leanne has been the best decision I've made in my entire life. Before working with Leanne, I felt lost and had fallen out of love with my business, which over the course of Maternity Leave, all income had dried up. I was terrified to be starting from 0 but Leanne helped me gain clarity and build a business that aligned with my values. She gave me the confidence to pivot my business, and smash through imposter syndrome to become a Money Coach. Within a few weeks of re-launching my business, I had paid clients. Leanne is always on hand to help me through all my wobbles, and see my potential. Working with Leanne is life changing, so I suggest you stop putting it off, and invest in her support! LOVE YOU LEANNE!